Wednesday, November 28, 2007

2 Days

So, I think I am ready for the trip.

We leave on Friday around 8:00am and get into Quito around 11:00pm. Saturday is going to be a lazy day just seeing the city and Sunday we are to go on an acclimatization hike to 15,000ft. That's right higher than anywhere in the lower 48 only 40 hours after arriving.

On a negative note, I came down with a wicked case of bronchitis on Monday. My nose is completely blocked and I have a wicked cough that hurts way down there. My doc gave me every medication known to man and said it should be good my game time. (I think we go to 18,500ft on Wednesday or Thursday) I was so medicated at work today I just had to leave. My mind was all over the place...

Standby for reports.


1 comment:

The Ray said...

Wicked??? Where are you from? Maine?